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Through living an entrepreneurial lifestyle these values have stuck with Mr. Hughes. He truly believes that is why he has  become the man that he is today. Pursue Eden is a line like no other and Mr. Hughes aims to inspire you to live a life with paradise in mind. Please take a look at some of the initiatives and events we have participated and/or hosted within our communities.


Our strategy is to promote healthy lifestyles which lead to wealth.

2019 Stop the Violence Rally


In the video below, owner Mr. Troi Hughes is speaking at the "Stop the Gun Violence High School All Star game, held in his hometown Richmond, Virginia. This event was well received by the community and enjoyed a great turnout. A lot of knowledge was given along with the invaluable change to bring the City together for unity and laughter within a safe environment. Mr. Hughes plans to sponsor future events of this magnitude once the COVID-19 gathering restrictions have been lifted. 

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